January 23, 2011

The 5 Basic Services For Implementing A Business Website – PART 2

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To effectively promote a product or service on the Internet you must hire five basic services. 

3. Website design

Web design is much more complex than a simple integration of digital images and texts, as many mistakenly perceive it. Your website is nothing more that the image of your business online, the business card of anyone who engages in a trade or profession. If you develop your website as you used to design your print advertising for your company, you will limit the scope of this new marketing channel. It is important that you know that graphic design advertising and web design, even though they have some things in common, are actually two very different promotional tools.

January 21, 2011

The 5 Basic Services For Implementing A Business Website – PART 1

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To effectively promote a product or service on the Internet you must hire five basic services. If you are to build a website to promote your business online, it is very important to know from the beginning which are the different services you should hire to effectively operate your website and make your company achieve the desired results.

This is PART 1 of this article, read PART 2 here 

Many online companies offer packages that include all these services, however it wouldn’t do you any harm to know what services are covered, so you can decide freely if your company would want to hire them as a package with a single agency or individually by different vendors.

For most companies it is easier and more practical to acquire a package of services through a single vendor to be responsible for performing all the steps that are necessary to operate a website, however, I believe it is best to hire all these services separately because this way you will be sure to employ specialists in each field and therefore get better results.

January 15, 2011

Search Engine Optimization - A More Financial Than Technological Subject

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Many companies still do not know how to position their websites and have also not allocated sufficient resources to do so.

The positioning of websites in search engines is a relatively new thing, since almost a couple of years up to now companies have begun to seriously worry about promoting their websites online. Still about five years ago, many entrepreneurs and managers doubted that a website could help effectively to promote their products and services, so their advertising and promotional budgets were intended rather to other marketing campaigns in traditional media such as brochures and yellow pages.

Today, companies recognize the importance of being alive on the Internet to achieve the overall business objectives and begin gradually to get more interested in issues relating to websites and marketing strategies characteristic of this modern communication system. From micro to large corporations, many companies have a website, although in some cases it’s a very basic site with little content involved.

January 3, 2011

Internet Home Sales - Where To Sell Properties Online

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As in the case of websites of employment and auto sales, the volume of job postings is key to a site devoted to online properties sales or rent to be truly effective.

For years, property owners had to pay high real estate commissions to sell their properties. If you need to sell a house, there are many sites on the Internet that allow you to quickly and easily create an ad in minutes to promote your property. The sale of properties in this way is increasing as more and more people use the Internet to market their goods, as a cheaper alternative compared to the fees demanded by real state agents.

However, despite the amazing advances in technology for real estate websites, such as virtual tours, Google maps to locate the exact site, blogs, video and even other external sources such as YouTube.com, I think we are still far from seeing a person use their credit card or debit card to buy a home on the Internet, but we’re very close to see people using this payment method to make the initial deposit online through the site and close in this way the deal.