December 29, 2010

How To Design A Good, Easy And Economical Website - PART 2

blue chair
Here are some practice recommendations on how to reduce the cost of designing a website so that it suits your needs and budget, without giving up an effective Internet marketing program:

1. Carefully consider your requirements and set priorities before requesting a quote

Too often companies request quotes overly ambitious projects. This invariably leads to a scenario of high costs and the companies end up with the lowest bidder, not necessarily the most profitable.

If you quote based on a powerful content and a goal more attached to reality (which in the end will be seen on your website), it is possible then that the most viable solutions and not just the cheapest are the ones with the possibility of winners in the bidding process for the benefit of your business.

December 28, 2010

How To Design A Good, Easy And Economical Website - PART 1

red chair
In this article I'll show you some interesting recommendations on how to reduce the cost of designing a website so that it suits your needs and budget.

This is PART 1 of this article, read PART 2 here

If you have the responsibility within your company to sell a product or service, Internet can be an excellent tool to further promote your entire line of products and services.

Internet can mean many things. It can assist in the promotion of goods and services, streamline the business process in general, help to provide better service to customers, strengthen brand positioning and even provide a platform for the operation of online information systems. A website can bring the full package of benefits for your business, but unfortunately it can also become a waste of time if there is no appropriate care.

December 20, 2010

Where To Host My Website?

man choosing doubting question mark
The correct choice of hosting provider is more important than people think, because it is a key factor in achieving the expected results in any Internet marketing campaign.

Few companies have sufficient infrastructure equipment and Internet connectivity to host their website at home. If your company is fortunate enough to have that ability, then you can seriously consider hosting your website on your own facilities. To do this, you should have trained personnel to manage both your server and your website. However, most companies do not have this capability or find little affordable to allocate their own resources to the tasks of website hosting. And just like directors have taken the decision to outsource other services, such as printing brochures for example, your company will surely benefit of paying a third party for hosting services of your website.

December 19, 2010

How To Design A Website For My Business

seo package search engine optimization
Many are unaware that to be successful in Internet marketing campaign, search engine optimization is fundamental and to achieve this it is necessary to hire professional web design services.

Perhaps the biggest mistake still committed by SMEs when designing their website is to overlook that the real purpose is not itself a presence on the Internet, but rather to promote their business, which are two very different objectives. If you are in charge of the web project within your company, you should not be limited exclusively to contract the development of a website, but rather focus all your efforts in seeking a solution (design + positioning) to help you promote your company in the Internet and thus achieve much better results.

December 18, 2010

Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Website

outsourcing men shaking hands
The outsourcing of design work, maintenance and positioning of your website can be a good alternative for your company to produce better results at lower cost.

Designing websites is not a simple matter as many people think, just ask the thousands of companies that have failed in recent years in trying to promote their products and services on the Internet. Experience has taught us that having a website and doing business online, are not exactly the same thing.

When a company decides to develop a website to promote their products and services and does not go to a marketing professional, it will depend entirely on the expertise of its staff and is very likely that in the process some mistakes will be committed. Among the most common errors encountered by businesses seeking to implement Internet marketing projects with internal resources, are the following:

December 16, 2010

Why Isn’t Search Engine Positioning Cheap?

man eating money
Most people have a misconception of what search engine positioning is and that’s why most people are not yet prepared to invest in what today is the most effective means of promotion online.

The great failures of many strategies for promoting Internet businesses are because most people do not know what search engine positioning is and how it works. Many think that it’s a simple registry and that positioning is a natural consequence of publishing a website. Seriously mistaken are those who think that search engine positioning is something easy to achieve with minimal effort.

December 15, 2010

Quality Web Design Is Everything

quality approved green
There are no bad websites, only the wrong purchasing decisions. If you want good results, invest in the type of product that your company really needs.

Let's begin by analyzing the definition of quality. According to Wikipedia, quality is an inherent property of anything that allows it to be compared with any other of its kind. Quality is usually defined as the fulfillment of the requirements, whether these are explicit or implicit, that satisfy a customer.

December 14, 2010

Cheap Is Expensive When Hiring Internet Services

cheap red wine
When hiring cheap Internet services, your business risks losses to be much higher than the cost savings.

These ten years of operation within the Internet industry have allowed us to know both sides of the coin. We have seen some projects have been success stories, but also, sad to say, we have learned many, many horror stories.

When hiring any service, you know, you should take into consideration various factors, not just the price. That is, the cheapest option may not always be the most profitable. In the case of the Internet, the procurement of services covers the following six categories:

1. Internet connection
2. Hosting and domain registration
3. Email
4. Web Design
5. Search engine positioning
6. Search engine promotion

For example, to hire a shared hosting (shared hosting) for your website, if you had to decide between, say, an economic package of $50 per year or a professional service of $175 per year, which of the two would you choose?

December 13, 2010

Search Engine Positioning Service – WHEN To Hire It?

business man clock
Most companies are trying to hire search engine positioning almost too late, when the website is already designed and there’s virtually not much they can do to achieve the desired positioning.

Internet business opportunities are won through search engines. Search engines are like the new online yellow pages, which are visited daily by hundreds of thousands of potential customers to locate the products and services they need. Unfortunately for businesses, many of the managers who make investment decisions ignore the issue and only through bitter experience learn that to do business on the Internet, a website must be listed on the top search results on sites like Google, Yahoo and MSN Search.

December 12, 2010

Search Engine Positioning, If I Had Known Before!

cheeky businessman nobody told me
Many companies with a website that has not worked well argue that they didn’t make a good decision in the purchase because no one told them at the time of the existence and importance of search engine positioning.

At present there are few companies that do not yet have a website. No matter if it is a corporation or a small company, all companies eventually decide to have an Internet presence with the firm intention of promoting their products and services, attract prospects, generate traffic, produce more opportunities for online business to position their brands and, desirably, increase their sales.

Unfortunately, from the many companies that have been published on the internet, few are hundred percent satisfied with the results obtained through their website. A large majority of companies recognize that their website has not yet generated the amount of business opportunities they had in mind at first when they took the decision to purchase a website to promote their products and services.

December 2, 2010

How To Generate Traffic And Leads for Your Business - PART 2

get traffic and money magnet
It is extremely important that you learn how to achieve good search engine rankings to generate more leads.

This is PART 2, read PART 1 of this article here

Sponsored Links

Your company can appear within the first places in the area of sponsored links from Google, Yahoo, and Windows Live and so at only 10 cents per click ... Guaranteed!.However, if another company is doing something similar with the same keywords that your company selected, then you will then need to make a higher bid for better position. For example, if your business is selling rustic furniture in Singapore, you would bid of 10 cents per click on Google Adwords for that search phrase. So every time someone searches for "rustic furniture" on Google, your company will appear in the sponsored listings and this would more likely get the sale. If the client decides to click on your ad, Google would charge at that time your account with 10 cents. 

December 1, 2010

How To Generate Traffic And Leads for Your Business - PART 1

get traffic and leads magnet
In the new Internet economy, everything is focused on the traffic generated by search engines (organic traffic), so it is extremely important that you learn how to achieve good search engine rankings to generate more leads.

This is PART 1 of this article, read PART 2 here 

The biggest pitfall in which one can fall into when designing a website is to accept without objection the theory of "if you build it they will come", a phrase popular among the Internet community with respect to that if you build a website for your company, it will automatically bring many visits from potential customers. The reality is that web design agencies rather spend their time and effort to do what they believe are better quality design websites and build effective web applications. They are, so to speak, the architects of websites, not the promoters of businesses. If you hired a building construction company and months later complained to the builder that your company is not doing business in that building, they would probably laugh and say "Good luck, excuse me". Just as construction companies do not promote or advertise the businesses they do the construction projects for, the specialty of the agencies that build websites is not to promote businesses.