October 28, 2010

The Cheese Is Moving One More Time

mouse on cheese
An interesting story that undoubtedly opens large spaces to reflect on our preparation and attitude toward this modern changing times.

If you have ever been at an event on Human Development or taken any courses on this subject, you probably already know about the topic to which I refer in this article.

It is a singular story, which takes place inside a maze in which there are three elements: Cheese, source of life and satisfactions, two mice, creatures that by their very nature instinctively react to changes occurring in their habitat, and two humans who do not always respond in good courage, tenacity and vigor to the new challenges that life presents.

This story teaches us how to adapt to a world of constant change. Cheese, source of comfort and satisfactions, will not always remain in the same place. Sometimes it will scarcer and be harder to find than at other times. Therefore, we must be prepared for changes.

Today it is precisely a time of big changes, the Internet is moving much of the cheese.

The new X generation is a generation whose modus operandi is based on technology, Web, Internet, online chats, cellphones, DVDs and handheld computers equipped with Internet and wireless communications. These young people are becoming the new consumers and are present in all organizations. Some are beginning to make decisions, not only purchasing decisions but also business decisions.

The new generation of business in many niches markets are emerging day by day throughout the entire world

Perhaps your business has been in the market over the last ten, twenty or fifty years. Therefore, it is your responsibility to evaluate the impact of these new technologies in your own market niche.

You must identify early if the cheese is getting stale and act accordingly.

For you to reduce the fear factor to the impending integration of the Internet with your business, I recommend taking into account the following recommendations:

1. Understand that you and your business can hardly stay out of this new technology that will dominate the commercial operation for now on: the Internet.

2. Know the details of these new technologies to measure the impact on the marketing and operation of your business.

3. Create an action plan for the impending integration of these technologies to your business.

4. Prepare yourself to invest in your project, not only financially but also in human resources.

5. Anticipate your competition, understanding the new rules governing trading relations under a framework of globalization.

You, who are the kind of people accustomed to challenges, are likely to have already identified the trends in your market and your experience has led naturally to implement all or part of some of these actions.

This unique cheese story offers valuable evidence:

"Cheese never runs out, but simply changes location from time to time"

Anticipating the moment of transformation and acting accordingly, without fear, are two vital actions to find new resources in times of great change.

"We must learn to adapt to a rapidly changing world"

By the way, Who Moved My Cheese?


About the Blog Author: Timpa has the mission of providing all entrepreneurs, whether experiencied or not in online business strategies, with the right information to help them manage their businesses online in the best, most time-effective and cost-effective, smarter way.