Showing posts with label Marketing Strategies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing Strategies. Show all posts

April 10, 2011

Market's Lack Is Your Business Base, So Brainstorm!

idea, business idea, new idea, lightbulb
To get an idea of business is necessary to be focused in everything we do in our daily lives. We must open our perspective in the way we see things and ask why this is what it is or how something could be done differently.

It is a complicated task but it is something that a five year old does constantly. Young children are wondering why things are as they are and how useful they are. Well, this is the beginning of a good business idea.

Now, how can we use this to make it into a real business? The answer could be to make a product from something we have been doing for some time, but we must focus on making a difference significant enough for the public to identify this increase in value in the product  and make them feel willing to pay for that difference.

November 15, 2010

Justification for a Website Project - PART 3

productivity key red
This is PART 3 of this article, Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here.

Lack of an effective strategy

Today many of the entrepreneurs and managers who decide to implement online marketing programs in business know where they want to be but almost never know how to get there. They recognize as a necessity to make the website attractive to visitors, drive traffic and ideally be promoted by word of mouth, since this way the number of visitors is increased significantly and enables them to achieve the goal that you, us and virtually every employer seeks to achieve, that is to generate new business opportunities on the Internet.

November 14, 2010

Justification for a Website Project - PART 2

productivity key green
This is PART 2 of this article, Part 1 is here, Part 3 is here.  

Where to start

Do not start with a fixed idea about the cost or number of pages of the website. The website must meet a series of objectives, they vary from sector to sector, but most of them should apply to your project. These include promoting your organization on a larger scale, simplification and reduction of the process of distributing information to stakeholders, reducing administrative costs and creating an enlightened leadership within the industry that your organization serves.

November 13, 2010

Justification for a Website Project - PART 1

productivity key
Some companies are still considering whether to invest in technology is certainly a benefit to their companies or not.

This is PART 1 of this article, Part 2 is here, Part 3 is here

While global trends in technology are indicating an important penetration in businesses, it is clear that many companies are just beginning to exploit these tools and still have to justify the investment in technology projects .

For this reason, I have given myself the task of preparing this article that will help you in some way to conceptualize, justify and plan the development of websites and establish an appropriate strategy for the implementation of Internet technologies in your company .

October 25, 2010

Online Marketing And Maths

Who says math and marketing are two disciplines that have little in common? Here are eight outstanding recommendations from mathematics as an exact science that can be taken into consideration when designing your online marketing strategy.

October 2, 2010

How To Take Advantage Of Your Competitors Mistakes And Position Your Business Online

search engine positioning marketing strategy bullseye
Due to ignorance about the Internet marketing strategies, companies are making many mistakes that you can take advantage of to position your brand or product over your competition.

To promote your business online is very important that you rely on search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN Search as your potential customers are probably using the search services of these search engines to find the products and services that they need. For promotional purposes, it is essential then that your business website appears within the first search results. The strategy for meeting this goal is very simple. If you want to position number five, for instance, all you have to do is do a better job that the company that is currently located in that position in the search results. To some this sounds impossible, for others it represents a challenge.

September 19, 2010

Having More Than One Domain Name - Good Or Bad Decision?

domain names
It is common that when we decided to register a domain with a hosting company, a doubt assails us: Is it appropriate to acquire the rights to two or more similar domains or only have one? 

Above all, the question becomes larger when the company in question has put in our view several options for naming the new site, within which are all possible variations of the name chosen (and additionally, or

For those who are considering this option, and whose line of business is commercial - whether of goods or services - should consider the benefits that the purchase of two or more subdomains have:

September 16, 2010

Reasons to Have Your Own Domain Name

domain name
Owning a website or having a specific site on the net gives us the opportunity to present whatever we want in the eyes of millions of people with just a movement of our finger. Many have a website hosted on free sites, however, for those of you who wish to promote your business or offering professional services on a larger scale, having a free website is not the most convenient thing.

September 13, 2010

Creative Writing - 3 Easy Steps For Improving Your Articles

creative writing
Many amateur writers write for the sake of creative writing. While personal pleasure can create large amounts of irrelevant content, it does nothing to improve business prospects, improve the world, or move the audience into action.

So what is the purpose of writing large amounts of content, and how you can you change your presentations? Professional writers always have a goal in mind with everything they write: To transform their audience. The great writers strive to help their audience see the topics that deal with different eyes and act differently, changing the way they interact with the world.

September 5, 2010

12 Critical Questions To Ask Yourself To Improve Your Online Sales

stand out in online business
Answer these questions in complete and absolute sincerity, because if you properly respond and apply what is stated here, your sales will increase to unexpected levels! 

September 4, 2010

How To Build Customer Loyalty Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

costumer relations
The Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is the surest way to succeed in creating customer loyalty, according to a 1999 study by Deloitte & Touche and Deloitte Consulting, which conducted interviews with 900 executives in 35 countries.

The CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, implies a continuous journey, not a destination. It is a journey toward a customer-centric company. Building a successful CRM approach will happen in stages, not overnight. One must understand that CRM revolves around continuous improvement, in which we analyze and resolve customer needs and expectations, in order to ensure their satisfaction and continued growth of your business. The CRM system offers new opportunities and challenges for the company that implements it all the time.

August 31, 2010

Do People Trust Your Marketing Strategies? 5 Ways To Make It Happen

marketing strategies
One of the biggest problems of Internet is that many people still do not trust the Web. All new forms of communication had problems in its infancy.

When the phone appeared many people came to think that this type of communication could come to produce health problems.

The first radio stations alarmed the governments when they realized that the radio was a tool that was beyond their control.

Internet is having the same problems. When consulting the general public which is the reason why its low utilization and no further purchases on-line, many of them admit they fear the new technology. 

July 30, 2010

How To Write Good Content To Sell Products

write good content to sell products
If you have a Website and want to sell a product or service, you need to write the kind of content that will boost your sales, not the other way round.
You don't need to be a good reputation writer to write with the aim of promoting your products or services, but you should follow some simple rules to do it right.